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Tuesday, 21 May 2019


Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine. Cupping is used in more than 60

countries. Its usage dates back to as far as 1,550 B.C. There are different forms of cupping; the most

common are dry, wet, and fire cupping. Cups are applied onto the skin and a suction is created,

Monday, 20 May 2019


While details vary between practitioners, societies, and cultures, the practice consists of drawing the tissue 

into a cap placed on the targeted area by creating a partial vacuum – either by the heating and 

subsequent cooling of the air in the cup, or via a mechanical pump. The cup is usually left in place 

for somewhere between five and fifteen minutes.

Cupping therapy types can be classified using four distinct methods of categorization. The first system of 

categorization relates to "technical types" including dry, wet, massage, and flash cupping therapy. The 

  • The second categorization relates to "the power of suction related types" including light, medium, and 

strong cupping therapy.

  •  The third categorization relates to "the method of suction related types" 

including fire, manual suction, and electrical suction cupping therapy. 

  • The fourth categorization
  • relates to "materials inside cups" including herbal products, water, ozone, moxa, needle, and 

magnetic cupping therapy.

  • Further categories of cupping were developed later. The fifth relates to the area treated including: facial, 

abdominal, female, male, and orthopedic cupping therapy. The sixth relates to "other cupping types" 

that include sports and aquatic cupping


Cupping is poorly supported by scientific evidence, with a 2014 review of recent evidence finding that

"because of the unreasonable design and poor research quality, the clinical evidence of cupping

therapy is very low."
 A 2011 review found that "the effectiveness of cupping is currently not well-

documented for most conditions", and that systematic reviews showing efficacy for the treatment of

pain "was based mostly on poor quality primary studies."

The American Cancer Society notes that
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  • "Available scientific evidence does not support claims that cupping has any health benefits" and also 

    that the treatment carries a small risk of burns.

    • In their 2008 book Trick or Treatment, Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst write that no evidence exists of any beneficial effects of cupping for any medical condition. Critics of alternative medicine such as 


    Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine. Cupping is used in more than 60 countries. Its usage dates back to as far as ...
